Through entrepreneurship education towards improving the quality of VET  2016-1-CZ01-KA202-024066


We have organized 6 multiplier events during the project. 

Please find more info in pdf about each event, when you click the ikon.

E1 Round table - evaluation of pilot testing I – Czech Republic

In April 23th, 2018, Educational Association, z.s. organised a Multiplier Event – Round table in Regional authority of Karlovy Vary with an aim to evaluate the training course for teachers/trainers from the perspective among participants. The event has been be a medium to present the project and its outcome, to deal a debate on new strategies and new curricula in training as a tool for entrepreneur education in VET, to elaborate a cooperation plan for the further exploitation of the project outcomes. It was also important to have a discussion about
the implementation of entrepreneurship education and the role of the ENTER course in helping teachers/trainers become more confident in entrepreneurship education, thus facilitating teaching entrepreneurship skills in VET institutions on the EQF level 3 as well as educational institutions in a broader context.

E2 Round table – evaluation of pilot testing II

In May 25th, 2018, Biedrība Eurofortis organised a Multiplier Event – Round table in Rēzekne Technical School with an aim to evaluate the training course for teachers from the perspective among participants. It was also important to have a discussion about the implementation of entrepreneurship education and the role of the Enter course in helping teachers become more confident in entrepreneurship education, thus facilitating teaching entrepreneurship skills in VET institutions on the EQF level 3 as well as educational institutions in a broader context.

The event was hosted by Rēzekne Technical School which is a VET school situated in Latgale region, Latvia. The target group of the multiplier event – teachers, trainers and policy makers in Rēzekne and nearby area were invited to the event.

E3 Round table - evaluation of pilot testing III – Portugal

In June 2018, ISQ organized its E3 Multiplier event, on its premises on Porto Salvo, this event was a round table with the objective of gathering people to evaluate the training course pilot for teachers from the perspective of the participants.
This ME counted with 15 participants, most of them are trainers, training technicians, project managers, all participants were somehow related to youngster education and training.
This event had two distinct parts: firstly, the participants of the event were welcomed with some words from an ISQ representative. The ENTER project was presented and a discussion on the project importance related to Entrepreneurship and Education was promoted.

E4 Round table – evaluation of pilot testing IV

Presenting the platform and the contents on there, was one of the main topics of the round table that was conducted in Vienna on 25 July 2018. In total, 16 participants participated; many of them were (self-)employed and came from different working sectors, like gastronomy and tourism. The developed materials have already been tested, along with the ENTER OER platform (Open Educational Resources), by ten experienced educators from Austria between the End of March and May 2018. The evaluation of their numerious feedback, qualitative as well as quantitative, was also a topic on the agenda of this multiplier event.
Moreover, the round-table participants were invited to give further feedback and recommendations for the training course, see methods/ approaches on how to improve the integration of entrepreneurship education at schools. They highlighted the innovative methods and relevance of the material.

E5 Support of Entrepreneurship in Europe

In June 2017 we organized a multiplier event – three workshops with the theme of implementation of entrepreneurship education on the EQF level 3. We discussed entrepreneurship education on the EQF level 3 and providing an attractive and attainable role model to learners. Our aim is opening up education and training to the wider world by offering attractive opportunities to business.

These events were organised by Educational Association and hosted by VET schools in South Bohemia. We decided to host smaller events selecting carefully the participants in order to have people really interested in the topic and able to bring the results of the project and the new training courses. In order to receive a perspective of the VET teachers and trainers on quality of those intellectual outputs – 3 workshops took place. Each workshop was connected with the entrepreneurial theme – how to attract and retain the right talents, how to create a dynamic millennial culture, encourage internal innovation, etc.).

The aims of those workshops have been to involve VET teachers and trainers interested at entrepreneurial education and share the project intellectual output, to explore new cooperation fields among the participants. The three meetings have been carried out in an interactive way for facilitating collaborative dialogue and the sharing of knowledge and ideas to create a living network of conversation and action in the area of entrepreneurial education.

E6 - Conference - Support of entrepreneurship education across Europe

Date: 26. 6. 2018
Place: PARKHOTEL PRŮHONICE, Uhříněveská 12/12, 252 43 Průhonice

Actual participant number: 50 participants
Intellectual outputs covered: IO1, IO2, IO3
Activity Leading Organisation: EA
Participating Organisations: BEFO, ISQ, BEST

The dissemination conference “Support of entrepreneurship education across Europe” was held in Prague and focused on summarizing the intellectual project results. The aims of the this multiplier events has been:

  • to spread the results improving the project international breath,
  • to involve local decision makers and the stakeholder network of the Czech Republic,
  • to share the project intellectual outputs,
  • to explore new cooperation fields among the participants.

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About ENTER platform

We target to equip young people studying on the level EQF 3 in VET with the entrepreneurial skills needed to gain the necessary experience to become the future entrepreneurs.

Contact Us

Educational Association, z.s.

Nad hradním vodojemem 35
160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic


00420 724 652 217

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