EMIERO career advisor

What profession best suits you? Do you have the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur? Many people do not know what activities they should do in their life to be really happy. They are considering starting a business, but they do not know whether they have the necessary skills and competencies. There are many ways to identify a personality typology. (more…)


 Coneeect is an international network of universities that offers interactive training courses for academic entrepreneurship teachers to improve the Entrepreneurship Education across Europe. Officially supported by the European Union, participants, and their associated institutions benefit from intense training programmes and easy access to the European Entrepreneurship Community. Read more at http://www.coneeect.eu/

Final report of the expert group – entrepreneurship in vocational education and training

 The aim is to identify existing policies and programmes that promote learning about entrepreneurship within vocational training systems. Entrepreneurship is meant as a combination of mindsets and skills, therefore programmes and courses will be considered that address both aspects. The project focuses on the systems of formal education and training, and on teaching entrepreneurship to young people. Read more at: http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/10446/attachments/1/translations

Final report of the expert group – entrepreneurship in vocational educational and training  

The aim is to identify existing policies and programmes that promote learning about entrepreneurship within vocational training systems. Entrepreneurship is meant as a combination of mindsets and skills, therefore programmes and courses will be considered that address both aspects. The project focuses on the systems of formal education and training, and on teaching entrepreneurship to young people. Read more at: http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/10446/attachments/1/translations

Entrepreneurship in vocational education and training

Towards greater cooperation and coherence in entrepreneurship education – Report and evaluation of the pilot action high level reflection panels on entrepreneurship education. Final report of the expert group. 11/2009. Read more at: http://ec.europa.eu/DocsRoom/documents/9269/attachments/1/translations

Ceci – culture of creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation (2013 – 2015)

CECI was a bilateral Comenius Regio project between Herning Kommune (Denmark) and Delegación Terrotorial de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Spain). The project aimed to provide teachers with the relevant skills, attitudes, methods and tools to implant a spirit of enterprise and creativity as well as the exchange of best practice and information across the partner regions. The digital products of the CECI project are at website: https://issuu.com/ceciexperience.