Through entrepreneurship education towards improving the quality of VET  2016-1-CZ01-KA202-024066

Blog / OER platform

Find an information about the entrepreneurship education identified in every country of the partner organizations!

Learning from others – teaching material

Please find more in worksheet and presentation of SuccessStories. Learning from success stories of others can be an inspiring process for finding/ refining own ideas to start a business. Analysing specific factors that are beneficial or obstructive can help to better...

Orientation on the market – teaching material

Please find more in hand-out and worksheet. A business can determine the scope of its market by conducting surveys of customer needs, product/ service prices and competitors. When a product or service is needed by people, there is a demand. These people can become...

SWOT-Analysis – teaching material

Please find more in handout and worksheet. A SWOT-Analysis is a tool to identify the position in the market. Based on the analysis of your markets, you identify strengths and weaknesses using the SWOT analysis grid and evaluate the findings. From this evaluation, you...

ENTER project meeting in Riga

Project partnership realized 4th – 5th April 2017 2nd meeting in Rīga, Latvia. Take a look presentations of the partners’ State of play reports (NATIONAL REPORT:CZECH REPUBLIC, ISQ: PORTUGAL), an overview of the OER platform and training course for teachers and...

Small business ideas – teaching material

Please find more in worksheet  and handout When initiating a small business, there are many factors that must be considered before starting it. This activity will present different small business ideas and explain how to choose a business depending on different...

Promotion basics – teaching material

Please find more in worksheet  and handout We buy items primarily as a result of promotion, that is a part of our daily lives. This activity will help understanding the different means of promotion available nowadays and to select the most adequate according to the...

Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan

Entrepreneurship education is accentuated by the European Commission as a key factor for competitiveness in a globalised economy and is set out in the “Europe 2020” strategy, following on the Lisbon Strategy. January 2013, in an action to promote Entrepreneurship...

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About ENTER platform

We target to equip young people studying on the level EQF 3 in VET with the entrepreneurial skills needed to gain the necessary experience to become the future entrepreneurs.

Contact Us

Educational Association, z.s.

Nad hradním vodojemem 35
160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic


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