CECI was a bilateral Comenius Regio project between Herning Kommune (Denmark) and Delegación Terrotorial de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Spain). The project aimed to provide teachers with the relevant skills, attitudes, methods and tools to implant a spirit of enterprise and creativity as well as the exchange of best practice and information across the partner regions. The digital products of the CECI project are at website: https://issuu.com/ceciexperience.
- Enterpreunership education (5)
- EU legislation (4)
- News (23)
- Projects (11)
- Research results (2)
- Teaching materials (16)
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About ENTER platform
We target to equip young people studying on the level EQF 3 in VET with the entrepreneurial skills needed to gain the necessary experience to become the future entrepreneurs.
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Educational Association, z.s.
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